Throughout the fall RISD is offering diverse programming across campus to give us a deeper appreciation for the variety of ways those in the RISD community live in and experience the world.
Learn about these events and programs >

Student Life

The Division of Student Life provides opportunities for all students to develop personally, socially and intellectually. In support of the college’s academic mission, we foster the skills engaged citizens need for success and achievement. We create active learning environments that support students’ co-curricular experience. Our programming and services reflect the values of community, inclusiveness, responsibility, leadership and wellbeing.

The Student Life central office serves as a general advocate for all RISD students. We are the people to turn to when seeking support for any number of challenges or when you’re not quite sure whom to ask about your particular need. We will connect you to resources to help you successfully navigate your time at RISD.


Brittany Goodwin
Student Success Project Manager
401 454-6204

Veronica Hallisey
Administrative Coordinator
401 427-3122

Jess Harris
Student Support and CARE Network Program Manager
401 277-4860

Emrys Hiatt
Administrative Assistant
401 454-6178

Phil Oliveira
Director, Student Conduct and Community Standards
401 454-6653

Ray Quirolgico
Vice President of Student Life
401 454-6773

Sara Rothenberger
Associate Dean of Students
401 454-6747