- Hours
- Mon – Fri
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Key Contact
- Melissa Donahue
- Phone
- 401 454-6661
- sfs@risd.edu
- Location
- 20 Washington Place
- Floor 1
RISD’s Student Financial Services Office (SFS), which oversees Financial Aid, Student Accounts and Student Employment, is committed to working with students and parents to reach the shared goal of preparing and educating creative individuals who aspire to make a meaningful contribution to our world.
Our dedicated staff works to help students and their families seek, obtain and make the best use of all resources available to help finance the costs of attending RISD.
By providing student aid through grants, loans, work study programs and scholarships, RISD helps make it possible for qualified students with limited personal financial resources to attend and benefit from the extraordinary education offered here.
Devin Clemons Student Financial Services Counselor 401 454-6109 dclemo01@risd.eduChristina Derosa Student Financial Services Counselor 401 454-4953 cderosa@risd.edu
Melissa Donahue Associate Director, Student Financial Services 401 454-6251 mdonah01@risd.edu
Anthony Gallonio Assistant Vice President, Enrollment Services 401 454-6636 agalloni@risd.edu
Kevin Lynch Director of Student Employment 401 454-6794 klynch@risd.edu
Susan Padula Student Employment Counselor 401 454-6503 spadula@risd.edu
Rachel Proulx Associate Director, Student Accounts 401 454-4805 rproulx@risd.edu
Dan Rossi Associate Director, Financial Aid 401 454-6796 drossi@risd.edu
H. Maria Stadanlick Director, Student Accounts 401 709-8583 hstadanl@risd.edu
Stephanie Streletz Director, Financial Aid 401 454-6540 sstrelet@risd.edu
Bonnie Wojcik Assistant Director, Financial Aid 401 454-6635 bwojcik@risd.edu