- Website
- risd.edu/about/strategy-and-planning
- strategy@risd.edu
- Location
- 20 Washington Place
- Fourth floor
The answer is yes, but it will be replaced with a new central directory.
The main difference will be that the new directory will not hold extensive information about each department. If your department or office has detailed info on this site, we will be working with you to find a home for your info on the main risd.edu and/or students.risd.edu site. Your page in the new central directory will have prominent links to your information where it exists.
We expect this work to continue into early 2025. In the meantime, please know that nothing here will disappear without notice.
Questions? Please email risdwebsite@risd.edu.
RISD’s strategy and planning efforts foster alignment between RISD’s mission and its impact on a changing world, and drive organizational, programmatic and operational transformation across the institution.
Our process is to engage our full community to identify strategic priorities and needs, and then monitor our progress on addressing these priorities and needs, as well as the school’s overall performance, through quantitative and qualitative data. This work allows us to make well-informed choices about how to best use our resources and direct our efforts, thus strengthening RISD to make a continued impact.