- Website
- risd.gd
- Hours
- Mon - Fri
8:30 am – 3:30 pm
- Key Contact
- Susan Mazzucco
- Phone
- 401 454-6171
- gd@risd.edu
- Location
- Design Center
- Room 103, Floor 1
- 31 Canal Walk
Rich, multifaceted and encompassing a broad range of media, Graphic Design at RISD respects the foundations of formal, aesthetic and analytical knowledge and skills while exploring the ever-changing context and function of visual communication.
Ed Brown Senior Academic Technologist 401 454-6173 kbrown02@risd.eduJulia Gualtieri Technical Assistant III 401 454-6674 jgualt01@risd.edu
Bethany Johns Graduate Program Director 401 277-4977 bjohns@risd.edu
Eva Laporte Academic Specialist 401 277–4977 elaporte@risd.edu
Susan Mazzucco Senior Academic Specialist 401 454-6171 smazzucc@risd.edu
Nancy Skolos Department Head 401n454-6423 nskolos@risd.edu