- Website
- RISD identity guidelines
- Hours
- Mon – Fri
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Key Contact
- Tiffany Khang
- Phone
- 401 454-6395
- marcomm@risd.edu
- Location
- 123 Dyer Offices
- Floor 3
- 123 Dyer Street
Marketing & Communications articulates, stewards and promotes RISD’s brand to create connections with the institution.
We do this by discovering and sharing stories about the RISD community; developing, managing and consulting on all visual and verbal expressions of the institution; and providing direction and support to campus communicators.
Our team is composed of Creative, Digital Experience and Public Relations.
To request edits to websites (www.risd.edu, info.risd.edu and others), please email risdwebsite@risd.edu.
Robert Albanese Associate Director, Digital Content Production and Operations 401 454-8506 ralbanes@risd.eduMary Banas Senior Visual Designer mbanas01@risd.edu
Sofiya Cabalquinto Chief Marketing & Communications Officer 401 454-6380 scabalqu@risd.edu
Brian Clark Senior Director, Digital Experience 401 427-6920 bclark@risd.edu
Jay Davani Producer, Creative Projects 401 277-4899 jdavani@risd.edu
Tiffany Khang Administrative Assistant 401 454-6395 tkhang@risd.edu
Lauren Maas Director of Brand Strategy 401 709-8638 lmaas@risd.edu
Jessie Mahan Digital Content Manager 401 277-4864 jmahan@risd.edu
Danielle Mancuso Associate Director, Public Relations 401 454-6334 dmancuso@risd.edu
Jaime Marland Senior Director, Public Relations 401 427-6954 jmarland@risd.edu
Iyana Martin Diaz Senior Visual Designer imartind@risd.edu
Lee Ann Norman Executive Communications Writer lnorman@risd.edu
Alex Pizzuti Video & Photo Producer apizzu01@risd.edu
Kaylee Pugliese Communications Specialist 401 277-4893 kpuglies@risd.edu
Jess Silvia Digital Content Manager 401 454-6355 jsilvia@risd.edu
Simone Solondz Senior News Writer/Copy Editor 401 709-8528 ssolondz@risd.edu
Resources for campus communicators
- Go to identity.risd.edu to learn RISD’s identity guidelines. The site includes a primer on RISD’s verbal and visual identity, as well as tools and resources to help everyone at RISD participate in it.
- The RISD Communicators Network connects community members across campus who speak for the college and museum, strengthening our joint efforts by providing communications guidance and fostering strategic collaboration, coordination and sharing of information. To join, contact Sofiya Cabalquinto.
Primary communication vehicles
- risd.edu, RISD’s primary website, which is targeted towards prospective students and parents, along with a broad, global public (request content updates by emailing risdwebsite@risd.edu)
- RISD’s college-wide presence on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- info.risd.edu, a site for the campus community that provides basic, helpful information about all campus offices, resources, services and groups (request content updates by emailing risdwebsite@risd.edu)
- involved.risd.edu/events, RISD’s central events calendar, which provides with info about all RISD events to RISD community members, as well as info about public events to external audiences (events are added to the calendar by the department or campus organization overseeing the event)
Promoting news and events
- Recommend newsworthy information and stories (photos welcomed) by contacting Senior Director of Public Relations Jaime Marland.
- Arrange live video streaming of your event by contacting Media Resources. For social media promotion, contact Jaime Marland once you've arranged your event.
- Reach various alumni groups through email and/or social media by contacting Julie Powers in Institutional Engagement.